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~ Biggs jasper cab ~

Offered here is a sweet cab of blue Biggs jasper, from Oregon. A long time favorite in the celebrated family of porcelain jaspers, this classic material has become quite collectibly rare and spendy these days. This fine example has a plenty going for it, with ribbons of rich browns and creamy pinkish tans, as well as a nice scattering of jet black dendrites. There's even a generous dollop of the much sought after lavender tones. Viewed with a bit of imagination, the pattern is oddly scenic; the two visitors who've seen it both remarked about how much it resembles a smoking volcano with billowing ash. It has a low rounded dome of just under 5mm, which is a tad thinner than I prefer, but it works fine for the proportions of this stone. It has a slick glassy polish both front and back.

Size: 33x30mm
Weight: approximately 28 carats

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