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~ Butterfly wing jasper cab ~

Offered here is a sweet cabochon of fine old stock butterfly wing jasper, from Mexico. This long time favorite brecciated jasper is a seldom seen classic, and mighty tough to come by these days, in any kind of quality. This cab is a fine example, with plenty of colorfully varied figure, including pastels of yellow, pink, burnt orange and hints of blue and green, with some threads and patches of maroon. It also includes light and dark translucent smoky agate. No unhealed cracks, just pattern, so you just can't go wrong with this one, it won't disappoint! The cab has a low rounded dome a hair less than 5mm, a designer 'paisley' shape, and a slick glassy polish both front and back.

Size: 39x25mm
Weight: approximately 32 carats

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Butterfly Wing jasper

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