Montana agate cab ~
Here is a cabochon of top quality Montana dendritic agate, cut from decades old material found along the banks of the Yellowstone River, way back in the glory days of agate hunting. This stone is the last of its kind from my own personal collection. And it truly is special! Believe me when I say, a fellow can slice up barrels and barrels of nodules and never find any with these gorgeous and VERY RARE orange 'flower' dendrites. Even if one should be so lucky, they might not be noticed because the dendrites form in thin, flat layers. It's a real trick to learn how to harvest the lovely snowflakes within the agate, without ruining them by grinding them all away. This one was a great success, showing beautifully ornate flowers that are a lovely orange in color. They stand out nicely against the snowy white, translucent agate. If you fancy collectible agate rarities, this is one you'll want to show off, front and center! The cab has a low but rounded dome, and a brilliant 'wet ice' polish both front and back.
Size: 43x21mm
Weight: approximately 25 carats
Price: Sold Current gemstone offerings $
Montana agate