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~ Priday plume agate cab ~

Offered here is a deluxe cabochon of collectibly rare Priday plume agate, from the Priday Ranch digs in Oregon. This intriguing stone was cut from some grand old stock which had been stashed away for decades in the cherished collection of an old gentleman rockhound, and I was extremely blessed to have been able to purchase a bag full of slices from his living estate. Oh for joy!!! One slice cut this magnificent stone, with all the classic features attributed to this most prized agate, from burnt gold plumage, to loose filament mosses in violet, mauve and green, water level lines, and subtle fortification banding. The translucent background agate shows them all off, revealing the fascinating depths within. The circular shape of the stone works perfectly for this gem; it brings the feeling one is looking through a portal into an underwater grotto of intricate corals and seaweeds, a tiny water world you can hold in your hand. Totally unique! The cab has a well-rounded dome of 5.5mm, and a fine glassy polish both front and back. I do need to mention that the surrounding matrix has some healed lines in it, which is quite typical, though the stone is totally sound. I don't find them a bit distracting, and doubt you will either.

Size: 33x33mm
Weight: approximately 46 carats

Price: Sold
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Priday  agate

Priday plume agate

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